my friends said that it was lucky to have a friend like me. sentimentil? yeah, right... one of the reason is so that icould take their picture whenever they want without every worried about paying me as a photographer. hahaha.. ok, girls.. enjoy the benefit...
i hope i spelled her name correctly... her name is Deya. i knew her through my friend. she's an executive producer in one production house who also loves to take pictures, has a thing with food and shoes. just like me, i think....
this is Ayu and Monique on the restaurant we visited at the weekend. the restaurant called The Apartment, decorated with everything supposed to be put inside a real apartment. that's why you will feel instantly comfortable and cozy by the whole ambience...
you can tell that by the look on Ayu and Monique's face...
it's so hard to spotted her on her desk these few last days. mostly because she's now busy preparing everything for the BIG break of the new product launching that she's handled. therefore, i used this chance i get to take a shot of the fierce Queen R... still on busy mode on...
damn, i'm exhausted!
i was on one more trip to take pictures of my 'other-sister' wedding. again? yes,... all of my sisters are married, so that leaves me as the last remain single standing. hehehe... i dont mind at all. in contrary, i had a lot of fun taking pictures of my sister, Gratania known as Gita, in my Kebaya and Batik skirt.
Gita looked very different on her wedding day. she was usually a little bit boyish as a girl, but now... just look at her! a girl is definitely turned into a woman. congrats, my dear sister...!
her name is so French, when she was actually Asian. lots of boys love her look. maybe because she's always put a smile on her face, especially when you're talking to her. that No Doubt is her true charm.
i've mention to you on my ABOUT page that i love colorful picture. i love pictures that funny, whimsical, and cheerful. this is one of them. it's not hard to find a great location for great picture. sometimes most of photographers thought that special location is a crucial things. i said... every location could be special. it's up to you, fellow photographer. how you choose the angle, how you willing to put an effort to create your own ambience.
no one will believe me if i told you that this picture is taken just few blocks from my office location, an industrial estate named Pulo Gadung.
on the beginning of the year like nowadays, all of brand management is very busy with the planning, and executing all of marketing strategy they had developed before. look how serious they looked!
by all of my posting i want to tell stories to you, that women always looks beautiful. even when they are so busy worrying about their work. agree?
if you noticed my portfolio, you will see one of my best friends, ni luh ayu. she's authentic bali girl. she loves to dance and laugh out loud. she's very fun and smart. she's very busy nowadays because she's covering one of biggest brand in my company. look at her online while i'm taking her pictures!
nothing more sexy than a girl on duty... right, boys?
because the work load that i had, i spent most of my waking hours on work. therefore, the subject i love to take is my friends.
i could proudly say that all of my friends are beautiful. one of them is Ratna, the fierce Queen R. now she's very busy preparing for new product launching. here is the shot of her concentrate on her work on laptop.